«Rotten» Rick Bupkeis
Anqi Panqi
Asperon Thorn
Barik Farblast
Bertha Bigfist
Big Jobo Hairyfoot
Bilerot Vomitflesh
Bo Galanté
Bob Bifford
Bomber Dribblesnot
Brick Far'th and Grotty
Bryce «The Slice» Cambuel
Bulla Shardhorn
Captain Colander
Cindy Piewhistle
Count Luthor von Drakenborg
Crazy Igor
Curnoth Darkwold
Deeproot Strongbranch
Dolfar Longstride
Drull and Dribl
Eldril Sidewinder
Elijah Doom
Flint Churnblade
Frank N Stein
Fungus The Loon
G'Ral Blodschüker
Glart Smashrip
Glart Smashrip Jr
Gloriel Summerbloom
Glotl Stop
Gobbler Grimlich
Grak and Crumbleberry
Grashnak Blackhoof
Gretchen Wächter
Griff Oberwald
Grim Ironjaw
Guffle Pusmaw
Hack Enslash
Hakflem Skuttlespike
Helmut Wulf
Horkon Heartripper
Hthark The Unstoppable
Hubris Rakarth
Humerus Carpal
Icepelt Hammerblow
Ithaca Benoin
Ivan «The Animal» Deathshroud
J. Earlice
Jeremiah Kool
Jordell Freshbreeze
Joseph Bugman
Kari Coldsteel
Karla von Kill
Kiroth Krakenye
Kreek Rustgouger
Lewdgrip Whiparm
Lord Borak The Despoiler
Madcap Miggz
Maple Highgrove
Max Spleenripper
Mighty Zug
Mordrix Hex
Neddley Verrüca
Nobbla Blackwart
Prince Moranion
Puggy Baconbreath
Quetzal Leap
Ramtut III
Rashnak Backstabber
Rasta Tailspike
Ripper Bolgrot
Roxanna Darknail
Rumblelow Sheepskin
Scrappa Sorehead
Scyla Anfingrimm
Skitter Stab-Stab
Skrull Halfheight
Soaren Hightower
Swiftvine Glimmershard
The Swift Twins
Throttlesnot « The Impaler »
Tolly Glocklinger
Ugroth Bolgrot
Varag Ghoul-Chewer
Wilhelm Chaney
Willow Rosebark
Withergrasp Doubledrool
Zara The Slayer
Zolcath the Zoat
Zzharg Madeye