

Teams may sign a sponsorship deal at the end of a match. Each coach who wishes to make a deal must roll a D16 and modify result as follows:

  • +3 if you won the match

  • +1 for each dedicated fan

  • +1 for each touchdown you scored

  • +1 for each casulaty you made

  • +3 if it was a play-off match

If the result is strictly above 20, the coach may sign one of these sponsorship :


Receive D3 x 10’000 gold pieces. Roll a D6. If the result is a 1, a random player on the team must miss the next match (if they are already missing the next match, there is no further effect). Teams can have any number of Ongoing Sponsorships - however the roll to see if a random player misses the next game must be made for each one. After rolling, a coach can choose to end any of their Ongoing Sponsorships, deleting them from the roster.


Receive D6 x 60’000 gold pieces. Roll a second D6. If the result is a 1, a random player on the team (not rostered Star Player) must miss the next match.

Major Sponsorship

McMurty's Burger Emporium

Farblast & Sons Ordnance Solutions

Star Insurance Guild

Steelhelm's Sporting Emporium