

General Skills


When a both down result is applied during a Block action, this player may choose to ignore it and not be knocked Down


When this player performs a Block action (on its own or as part of a Blitzaction), if the nominated target has a higher strength characteristic than this player before counting offensive or defensive assists but after applying any other modifiers, roll a D6 and add this player's strength characteristic to the result. If the total is higher than the target's strength characteristic, this player increases their strength characteristic to be equal to that of the target of the Block action, before counting offensive or defensive assists, for the duration of this Block action. If this player has another Skill that allows them to perform more than one Block action, such as Frenzy, they must make a Dauntless roll before each separate Block action is performed.

Dirty Player (+x)

When this player commits a Foul action, either the Armour roll or the injury roll made against the victim may be modified by the amount shown in brackets. This modifier may be applied after the roll has been made.


If this player is pushed back as the result of any block dice result being applied against them, they may choose to prevent the player that pushed them back from following-up. However, the player that pushed them back may continue to move as part of a Blitz action if they have Movement Allowance remaining or by Rushing. The skill cannot be used when this player is chain-pushed, against a player with Ball and Chain trait or against a player with the Juggernaut skill that performed the Block action as part of a Blitz.


Every time this player performs a Block action (on its own or as part of a Blitz action), they must follow-up if the target is pushed back and if they are able. If the target is still Standing after being pushed back, and if this player was able to follow-up, this player must then perform a second block action against the same target, again following-up if the target is pushed back. If this player performing a Blitz action, performing a second Block action will also cost them one square of their Movement Allowance. If this player has no Movement Allowance left to perform a second Block action, they must Rush to do so. If they cannot Rush, they cannot perform a second Block action. Note that if an opposition player in possession of the ball is pushed back into your End Zone and is still standing, a touchdown will be scored, ending the drive. In this case, the second Block action is not performed. A player with this skill cannot also have Grab skill.


If this player is nominated to be the kicking player during a kick-off, you may choose to halve the result of the D6 to determine the number of squares that the ball deviates, rounding any fractions down.


During their activation, this player may attempt to re-roll one dice. This dice may have been rolled either as a single dice roll, as part of a multiple dice roll or as part of a dice pool, but cannot be a dice that was rolled as part of an Armour, Injury or Casualty roll. Roll a D6: On a roll of 3+, the dice can be re-rolled, on a roll of 1 or 2, the dice cannot be re-rolled. Once this player has attempted to use this Skill, they may not use a re-roll from any other source to re-roll this one dice.


This player can use this Skill when an opposition player they are Marking voluntarily moves out of a square within this player's Tackle Zone. Roll a D6, adding the MA of this player to the roll and then subtracting the MA of the opposition player. If the result is 6 or higher, or if the roll is a natural 6, this player may immediately move into the square vacated by the opposition player (this player does not need to Dodge to make this move). If, however, the result is 5 or lower, or if the roll is a natural 1, this skill has no further effect. A player may use this skill any number of times per turn, during either team's turn, If an opposition player is being Marked by more than one player with this Skill, only one player may use it.

Strip ball

The defender who is pushed back during a Block (even during a blitz) drops the ball if he had it. It bounces from the square where he is pushed back. Works even if the opponent has the stability skill.

Sure Hands

This player may re-roll any failed attempt to pick up the ball. In addition, the Strip Ball skill cannot be used against a player with this Skill.


When an active opposition player attempts to Dodge from a square in which they were being Marked by one or more players on your team with this Skill, that player cannot use the Dodge skill. Additionally, when an opposition player is targeted by a Block action performed by a player with this Skill, that player cannot use the Dodge skill if a Stumble result is applied against them.


This player may use this Skill when a Both Down result is applied, either when they perform a Block action or when they are the target of a Block action. Instead of applying the Both Down result as normal, and regardless of any other Skills either player may possess, both players are placed Prone.

Agility Skills


This player may reroll a failed Agility test when attempting to catch the ball.


During your opponent's team turn (but not during your own team), any opposition player being marked by this player cannot use the guard skill.

Diving Catch

This player may attempt to catch the ball if a pass, throw-in or kick-off causes it to land in a square within their tackle Zone after scattering or deviating. This skill does not allow this player to attempt to catch the ball if it bounces into a square within their Tackle Zone.Additionally, this player may apply a +1 modifier to any attempt to catch an accurate pass if they occupy the target square.

Diving Tackle

Should an active opposition player that is attempting to Dodge, Jump or Leap in order to vacate a square in which they are being Marked by this player will use this Skill, Your opponent must immediate subtract 2 from the result of the Agility test. This player s placed Prone in the square vacated by the opposition player. If the opposition player was being marked by more than one player with this Skill, only one player may use it.


Once per turn, during their activation, this player may re-roll a failed Agility test when attempting to Dodge. Additionally, this player may choose to use this Skill when they are the target of a Block action and a Stumble result is applied against them.

Jump up

If this player is Prone they may stand up for free (i.e. standing up does not cost this player three (3) squares of their Movement Allowance, as it normally would). Additionally, if this player is Prone when activated, they may attempt to Jump Up and perform a Block action. This player makes an Agility test, applying a +1 modifier, if this test is passed, they stand up and may perform a Block action. If the test failed, they remain Prone and their activation ends.


During their movement, instead of jumping over a single square that is occupied by a Prone or Stunned player, as described on page 45, a player with this skill may choose to Leap over any single adjacent square, including unoccupied squares and squares occupied by standing players. Additionally, this player may reduce any negative modifier applied to the Agility test when they attempt to Jump over a Prone or Stunned player, or to Leap over an empty square or a square occupied by a standing player by 1, to a minimum of +1. A player with this skill cannot also have the Pogo Stick trait.

Safe Pair of Hands

If this player is Knocked Down or Placed Prone (but not it they Fall Over) whilst in possession of the ball, the ball does not bounce. Instead, you may place the ball in an unoccupied square adjacent to the one this player occupies when they become Prone.

Side Step

If this player is pushed back for any reason, they are not moved into a square chosen by the opposing coach. Instead you may choose any unoccupied square adjacent to this player. This player is pushed back into that square instead. If there are no unoccupied squares adjacent to this player, this skill cannot be used.

Sneaky Git

When this player performs a Foul action, they are not Sent-Off for committing a Foul should they roll a natural double on armour roll. Additionally, the activation of this player does not have to end once the Foul have been committed.


when this player performs any action that includes movement, they may attempt to Rush three times, rather than the usual two.

Sure Feet

Once per team turn, during their activation, this player may re-roll the D6 when attempting to Rush.

Passing Skills


Additional +1 modifier to the Passing Ability test (Quick or Short Pass action only)


When this player performs a Long Bomb Pass action, you may apply an additional +1 modifier to the Passing Ability test.

Cloud Burster

When this player performs a Long Pass action or a Long Bomb Pass action, you may choose to make the opposing coach re-roll a successful attempt to interfere with the pass.


If this player is nominated as the target of a Block action (or a Special action granted by a Skill or Trait that can be performed instead of a Block action) and if they are in possession of the ball, they may immediately perform a Quick Pass action, interrupting the activation of the opposition player performing the Block action (or Special action) to do so. This Quick Pass action cannot cause a Turnover, but otherwise all of the normal rules for passing the ball apply. Once the Quick Pass action is resolved, the active player performs the Block action and their team turn continues.


When this player performs a Move or Blitz action whilst in possession of the ball, they may choose to 'drop' the ball. The ball may be placed in any square the player vacates during their movement and does not bounce. No turnover is caused.

Hail Mary Pass

When this player performs a Pass action (or a Throw Bomb action), the target square can be anywhere on the pitch and the range ruler does not need to be used. A Hail Mary Pass is never accurate, regardless of the result of the Passing Ability test it will always be inaccurate at best. A Passing Ability test is made and can be re-rolled as normal in order to determine if the Hail Mary Pass is wildly inaccurate or is fumbled. A Hail Mary Pass cannot be interfered with. This Skill may not be used in a Blizzard.


A team which has one or more players with this Skill gains a single extra team re-roll, However, the Leader re-roll can only be used if there is at least one player with this Skill on the pitch (even if the player with this Skill is Prone, Stunned or has lost their Tackle Zone). If all players with this Skill are removed from play before the Leader re-roll is used, is lost. The Leader Re-roll can be carried over into extra time if it is not used, but the team does not receive a new one at the start of extra time. Unlike standard Team Re-rolls, the Leader Re-roll cannot be lost due to a Halfling Master Chef. Otherwise, the Leader re-roll is treated just like a normal team re-roll.

Nerves of Steel

This player may ignore any modifier(s) for being Marked when they attempt to perform a Pass action, attempt to catch the ball or attempt to interfere with a pass.

On The Ball

This player may move up to three squares (regardless their MA), following all of the normal movement rules, when the opposing coach declares that one of their player is going to perform a Pass action. This move is made after the range has been measured and the target square declared, but before the active player makes a Passing Ability test. Making this move interrupts the activation of the opposition player performing the Pass action. A player may use this Skill when an opposition player uses the Dump-Off skill, but should this player Fail Over whilst moving, a Turnover is caused. Additionally, during each Start of Drive sequence, after Step 2 but before Step 3, one Open player with this Skill on the receiving team may move up to three squares (regardless of their MA). This Skill may not be used if a touchback is caused when the kick deviates and does not allow the player to cross into their opponent's half of the pitch.


This player may re-roll a failed Passing Ability test when performing a Pass action.

Running Pass

If this player performs a Quick Pass action, their activation does not have to end once the pass is resolved. If you wish and if this player has not used their full Movement Allowance, they may continue to move after resolving the pass.

Safe Pass

Should This player fumble a Pass Action, the ball is not dropped, does not bounce from the square this player occupies, and no Turnover is caused. Instead, this player retains possession of the ball and their activation ends.

Strength Skills

Arm Bar

If an opposition player Falls Over as a result of failing their Agility test when attempting to Dodge, Jump or Leap out of a square in which they were being Marked by this player, you may apply a +1 modifier to either the armour roll or Injury roll. This modifier may be applied after the roll has been made and may be applied even if this player is row Prone. If the opposition player was being marked by more than one player with this Skill, only one player may use it.


When this player performs a Block action on its own (but not as part of a Blitz Action), this player may re-roll a single Both Down result.

Break Tackle

Once during their activation, after making an Agility test in order to Dodge, this player may modify the dice roll by +1 if their Strength characteristic is 4 or less, or by +2 if their Strength characteristic is 5 or more.


When this player performs a Block action (on its own or as part of a Blitz action), using this Skill prevents the target of the Block action from using the Side Step skill. Additionally, when this player performs a Block Action on its own (but not as part of a Blitz action), if the target is pushed back, this player may choose any unoccupied square adjacent to the target to push that player into. If there are no unoccupied squares, this Skill cannot be used. A player with this Skill cannot also have the Frenzy skill.


This player can offer both offensive and defensive assists regardless of how many opposition players are marking them.


When this player performs a Block action as part of a Blitz action (but not on its own), they may choose to treat a Both Down result as a Push Back result, in addition, when this player performs a Block action as part of a Blitz action, the target of the Block action may not use the Fend, Stand Firm or Wrestle skills.

Mighty Blow (+x)

When an opposition player is Knocked Down as the result of a Block action performed by this player (on its own or as part of a Blitz action), you may modify either the Armour roll or Injury roll by the amount shown in brackets. This modifier may be applied after the roll has been made. This Skill cannot be use+ with the Stab or Chainsaw traits.

Multiple Block

When this player performs a Block action on its own (but not as part of a Blitz action), they may choose to perform two Block actions, each targeting a different player they are Marking. However, doing so will reduce this player's Strength characteristic by 2 for the duration of this activation. Both Block actions are performed simultaneously, meaning both are resolved in full even if one or both result is a Turnover. The dice rolls for each Block action should be kept separate to avoid confusion. This player cannot follow-up when using this Skill. Note that choosing to use this Skill means this player will be unable to use the Frenzy skill during the same activation.

Pile Driver

When an opposition player is Knocked Down by this player as the result of a Block action (on its own or as part of a Blitz action), this player may immediately commit a free Foul action against the Knocked Down player. To use this Skill, this player must be Standing after the block dice result has been selected and applied, and must occupy a square adjacent to the Knocked Down player, After using this Skill, this player is Placed Prone and their activation ends immediately.

Stand Firm

This player may choose not to be pushed back, either as the result of a Block action made against them or by a chain-push. Using this Skill does not prevent an opposition player with the Frenzy Skill from performing a second Block action if this player is still Standing after the first.

Strong Arm

This player may apply a +1 modifier to any Passing Ability test rolls they make when performing a Throw Team-mate action. A player that does not have the Throw team-mate trait cannot have this Skill.

Thick Skull

When an Injury roll is made against this player (even if this player is Prone, Stunned or has lost their Tackle Zone), they can only be KO'd on a roll of 9, and will treat a roll of 8 as stunned result. If this player also has the Stunty trait, they can only be KO'd on a roll of 8, and will treat a roll of 7 as Stunned result. All other results are unaffected.


Big Hand

Ignores tackle zone modifiers as well as the Weather Storm, when attempting to Pick up the ball.


When making an Armor roll against during a Block, any armor roll of 8+ (before modifier) automatically breaks the armor regardless of its level.

Disturbing Presence

-1 to Passes, Team-mate Throws, Bomb Throws, attempts to Catch or Interfere with a Pass for opponents within 3 squares of that player, even if he is "Knocked Down", "Stunned" or has lost his tackle zones.

Extra Arms

+1 for Catching, Interfering with a Pass or Picking up the ball.

Foul Appearance

When a Block is declared on this player (even during a Blitz) or to make a Special Attack (even if the player has lost his tackle zone), the opposing coach must pass a roll of 1D6>1.


+1 in ST on all blocks during a Blitz (before any other modifiers).

Iron Hard Skin

Opposing players cannot modify any armour rolls made against this player. In addition, the Claws skill cannot be used when making an Armour roll against this player.

Monstrous Mouth

The player may re-roll a failed attempt to catch the ball. The Strip Ball skill cannot be used against this player.

Prehensile Tail

-1 to the agility rolls of opponents who attempt to Dodge, Straddle, or Jump away from the square that the "Marker" player is marking. If more than one player with a Prehensile Tail marks the opposing player, only one of them can use the skill.


Allows the player to hold in place an opponent that the "Marker" player voluntarily moves out of his tackle zone. Roll (1D6+ST)-opponent's ST : if 6+ or natural 6, the player stays in place; if 5 or less, or natural 1, nothing happens. Can be used several times per turn (team or opponent). If several players with Tentacles mark the opponent, only one of them can use the skill.

Two Heads

+1 to AG rolls for dodging.

Very Long Legs

Reduces by 1 (min -1) negative modifiers to agility rolls for Straddle or Jump (if he has the skill). +2 to Interfere with a Pass. Ignores Cloud Drill.

Traits & Extraordinary Skills

Always Hungry

If attempting to Throw one Teammate, after possibly moving and before making the agility roll, roll 1D6. On 1, he eats it, the player with right stuff dies; on 2+, the Throw becomes a fumble.

Animal Savagery

Before any action (even if "Knocked Down", or without tackle zone), roll 1D6. On 1-3, one adjacent teammate is "Tackled" (Turnover if he was carrying the ball). Roll for AR and possible Wound (apply Mighty Blow, Claws... if the Savage has them). Then the Savage can continue the action undertaken as if he had rolled 4+. If there is no adjacent player, his activation ends. If it is a single Action (Pass, Blitz, Throw Teammate...) the Action is lost to the team. Apply+2 to the roll if it is a Blitz, a Block or a Special Action replacing the Block.

Animosity (x)

The player will accept to Pass or Pass the ball to a teammate of different race on 2+ with 1D6. On a 1, he ends his turn, the action is lost. Does not affect Mercenaries and Star Players.

Ball and Chain

Can only move with the Template of Dismissal and 1D6 for each point of M. No need for a dodge roll. Can end up in the audience. If it crosses a square where the ball is, it bounces. May "run" if he wishes. If 1 player (any team) is standing on 1 square where he enters, make a Blocking check. Downed or Struck players are pushed back and must make an AR roll. Must continue. If he falls, roll for Injury. Stunned = KO. Frenzy, Diving Tackle, Throwing, Jumping, Multiple Blocking, Shadowing, On the Ball are forbidden to this player. Translated with (free version)

Bloodlust (x+)

Whenever a player with this trait activates, after declaring their action, they must roll a D6, adding 1 to the roll if they declared a Block action or a Blitz action. If they roll equal or higher that the number shown in brackets, they may activate as normal. If the player rolls lower than the number shown in brackets, or rolls a natural 1, they may continue activation as normal though they may change their declared action to a move action if they wish. If a player declared an action that can only be performed once per turn (such as a Blitz action) this will still count as the one of that action for the team turn. At the end of their activation they may bite an adjacent Thrall lineman teammate (standing, prone or stunned). If they bite a thrall, immediately make an injury roll for the thrall treating any Casualty result as Badly Hurt. This will not cause a turnover unless the thrall was holding the ball. If they do not bite a thrall for any reason then a turnover is caused, the player will lose their tackle zone until their are next activated, and will immediately drop the ball if they were holding it. If the player was in the opposing End Zone, no touchdown is scored. If a player who failed this roll wants to make a pass action, hand-off, or score, then they must bite a Thrall before they perform the action or score.


When activated and if they are Standing, this player can perform a "Throw Bomb" Special action. This Special action is neither a Pass action nor a Throw Team-mate action, so does not prevent another player performing one of those actions during the same team turn. However, only a single player with this Trait may perform this Special action each team turn. A Bomb can be thrown and caught, and the throw interfered with, just like a ball, using the rules for Pass action as described on page 48, with the following exceptions: A player may not stand up or move before performing a Throw Bomb action. Bombs do not bounce and can come to rest on the ground in an occupied square. Should a player fail to catch a Bomb, it will come to rest on the ground in the square that player occupies. If a Bomb is fumbled, it will explode immediately in the square occupied by the player attempting to throw it. If a Bomb comes to rest on the ground in an empty square or is caught by an opposite player, no Turnover is caused. A player that is in possession of the ball can still catch a Bomb. Any Skills that can be used when performing a Pass action can also be used when performing a Throw Bomb Special action, with the exception of On the Ball. If a Bomb is caught by a player on either team, roll a D6: On a roll of 4+, the Bomb explodes immediately, as described below. On a roll of 1-3, that player must throw the Bomb again immediately. This throw takes place out of the normal sequence of play. Should a Bomb ever leave the pitch, it explodes in the crowd with no effect (on the game) before the crowd can throw it back. When a Bomb comes to rest on the ground, in either an occupied square, in a square occupied by a player that failed to catch the Bomb or in a square occupid by a Prone or Stunned player, it will explode immediately: If the Bomb explodes in an occupied square, that player is automatically hit by the explosion. Roll a D6 for each player (from either team) that occupies a square adjacet to the one in which the Bomb exploded: On a roll of 4+, the player has been hit by the explosion. On a roll of 1-3, the player manages to avoid the explosion. Any Standing players hit by the explosion are Placed Prone. An Armour roll (and possibly an Injury roll as well) is made against any player hit by the explosion, even if they were already Prone or Stunned. If the player performing the Throw Bomb Special action is hit by their bomb and Placed Prone, either as the result of a Fumbled throw or by being hit by the explosion, then a Turnover is caused.

Bone Head

Before taking any action (even if "Knocked Down", or without ZdT), must roll 1D6. On 1, can do nothing and loses his tackle zone. If it is a single Action (Pass, Blitz, Throw Teammate's...) the Action is lost for the team.

Breath Fire

Once per activation, instead of performing a Block action (either on its own or as part of a Blitz action), this player may perform a Breath Fire special action. When a player makes a Breathe Fire special action they may choose one standing opposition player they are marking and roll a D6, applying a -1 modifier if the target has a strength of 5 or higher. On a 1, the player gets overeager, engulfing themself in flame and is immediately Knocked Down. On a 2-3, the opposition player ducks the gout of flame and nothing happens. On a 4+ the opposition player takes a ball of fire straigth to the face and is immediately placed Prone. However, if the roll is a natural 6, the potent pyro has taken its toll and the opposition player is knocked down instead. After the Breath Fire special action has been resolved, this player's activation immediately ends.


Instead of Blocking (even during a Blitz), roll 1D6. On 2+ the target is hit; on 1 the Chainsaw hits the bearer; Roll for AR with a +3 modifier for the victim. If successful, the victim is "knocked down" and suffers an Injury roll. Only once per turn (no Frenzy or Multiple Blocking). If used in Blitz, cannot continue the movement. If the bearer is "Knocked Down", the opponent benefits from a +3 modifier on the AR roll and there is a turnover. Can be used during aggression by also succeeding in a 2+ roll on 1D6, and adds +3 to the AR roll.


If a casualty is inflicted, he must add +1 to the roll on the dedicated table.


This player suffers a -1 penalty to the dice roll when attempting to Rush.

Hit and Run

After a player with this Trait follows a Block action, they may immediately move one free square ignoring Tackes Zones so long as they are still Standing. They must ensure that after this free move, they are not Marked by or Marking any opposition players.

Hypnotic Gaze

Instead of a Block (but can move before performing it) makes 1 agility roll with a -1 modifier for each possible "Marking" suffered. If successful, the target loses its tackle zone. May not move after taking the Special Action.

Kick Team-mate

Can only be used by one player on the team in the same turn, but in addition to a Teammate Pass or Throw, on an adjacent Standing Featherweight. Used as a Teammate Throw, except that in the event of a Misfire, the Featherweight must roll for Injury (Stunned treated as KO). Chestnut is applicable by the opposing coach. If the Featherweight was carrying the ball, it rebounds from the square it was occupying. Translated with (free version)

Loner (x+)

Must pass a roll of 1D6 greater than or equal to the number in parentheses to use a team re-roll. If unsuccessful, the re-roll is spent without being used.

My ball

A player with this Trait may not willingly give up the ball when in possession of i, and so may not make Pass actions, Hand-off actions, or use any other Skill or Trait that would allow them to relinquish possession of the ball. The only way they can lose possession of the bal lis by deing Knocked Down, Placed Prône, Falling Over or by the effect of a Skill, Trait, or special rule of an opposing model.

No Hands

May not Pick Up, Catch or Interfere with a Pass. If he enters a square where the ball is, it is a turnover. The ball bounces during any interaction with that player.


At the end of the opposition's team turn, roll a D6 for each Prone, non Stunned team-mate within three squares of a Standing player with this Trait. On a 5+, the Prone player may immediately stand up.

Plague Ridden

1 player killed on a Block (1 time per game) can be integrated in the team, (placed in the Reserves Box and even if already 16 players) as Rotter Lineman. Must have ST4 or less and have no Minus, Regeneration or Decomposition. Can be hired at the end of the game if number of players < or = 16).

Pogo Stick

During his M, he can Jump instead of Straddle, whether the square is occupied or not, by a Standing player or not. Also, ignores all "Marking" modifiers on the start and finish squares. May not have Jump.

Projectile Vomit

Instead of a Block (even when Blitzing), roll 1D6. On 1, the player vomits on himself; on 2+ he vomits on his opponent. The victim makes 1 AR roll. If successful, the opposing player is "Knocked Down" and suffers 1 Injury roll. Not usable with Frenzy or Multiple Blocking.

Really Stupid

Before taking any action (even if "Knocked Down", or without tackle zone), roll 1D6. On 1-3, can do nothing. Apply +2 to the roll if non really stupid team-mates are adjacent. If unsuccessful, the player loses his tackle zones. If it is a single Action (Pass, Blitz, ThrowTeammate...) the Action is lost for the team.


After suffering a casualty, can roll 1D6, On 4+, the player goes back to reserve.

Right Stuff

Allows the player to be launched if his strength is 3 or less.

Secret Weapon

The player is kicked out at the end of a Phase in which he is participating, whether he is still on the field or not.


Instead of Blocking (even during a Blitz), make an AR roll without a modifier. If the test is successful, the victim is "knocked down" and suffers an Injury roll. If this skill is used during a blitz, the player cannot continue the movement.


Ignores "Marking" modifiers when dodging (unless Bomber, Chainsaw or Swoop). An opponent attempting to Interfere with a Minus Pass receives +1 to his agility roll. Injury rolls are made on a dedicated table.


During each Start of Drive sequence, after Step 2 but before Step 3, you may remove D3 players with this Trait from the Reserves box of your dugout and set them up on the pitch, allowing you to set up more than the usual 11 players. These extra players may not be placed on the Line of Scrimmage or in a Wide Zone. Swarming players must be set up in their team's half. When using Swarming, a coach may not set up more players with the Swarming trait onto the pitch than the number of friendly players with the Swarming trait that were already set up. So, if a team had 2 players with the Swarming trait already set up on the pitch, and then rolled for 3 more players to enter the pitch via Swarming, only a maximum of 2 more Swarming players could be set up on the pitch.


Use the kick back template instead of the Random Direction template when this player is thrown (he does not bounce before landing), then he moves 1D3 squares in the determined direction.

Take Root

Before any action (even if "Knocked Down", or without a tackle zone), roll 1D6. On 1, cannot move until the end of the Phase or if he is subsequently "Tackled" or "Knocked Down". Can only perform actions if he can do so without moving. If it is a single Action (Pass, Blitz, Throw Teammate...) the Action is lost for the team if it cannot be performed without moving.

Throw Team-mate

If ST is5 or more, allows the player to throw a right stuff team-mate.


If the player has M2 or less, each standing and unmarked team-mate adjacent to him offers +1 for rolls to get up. A natural 1 is always a failure.


Apply +1 to all dodge rolls. Do not apply the -1 "mark" on opponents entering his tackle zone when dodging.


When this player is about to be hit by a Block action or a Special action that replaces a Block action (with the exception of a Block action caused by the Ball & Chain Move Special action), before determining how many dice are rolled, they may be removed from the pitch and placed in any other unoccupied square adjacent to the player performing the Block action. The Block action then takes place as normal. If the player using this Trait is holding the ball and places themselves in the opposition End Zone, the Block action will still be fully resolved before any touchdown is resolved.

Unchannelled Fury

Before taking any action (even if "Knocked Down", or without tackle zone), roll 1D6. On 1-3, can do nothing. If it is a single Action (Pass, Blitz, Throw Teammate's) the Action is lost for the team. Add +2 to the die if it is a Blitz, a Block or a Special Action replacing the Block.