

D6 Random stadium
Unusual Playing Surface
Rough & Ready Stadium
Luxury Stadium
Local Crowd
D6 Unusual Playing Surface
Ankle-deep Water If a player is Knocked Down while Going For It or Dodging, subtract 1 from the Armor Roll. In addition, when a player recovers from being Stunned, roll a D6. On a 1, they remain Stunned for another turn.
Sloping Pitch At the start of each drive, randomize towards which team’s End Zone the pitch is sloping. At half-time, the teams change sides and the pitch slopes the opposite way. Whenever the ball bounces, do not use the Scatter template, instead use the Throw-in template oriented directly down the slope. In addition, players can Go For It one additional time, as long as it takes them downwards.
Ice After the ball bounces, it moves one more square in the same direction. Also, whenever a player is Knocked Down, they slide one square in a random direction. If they would slide into an occupied square, they do not move. If they slide off the pitch, make an Injury roll as normal. If they slide into the square with the ball, the ball bounces.
Astrogranite Add 1 to all Armour rolls. If a player fails, roll a D6. On a 4+, the player stays standing and there is no turnover, but they cannot attempt to Go For It again this Action.
Uneven Footing All players have -1 MA (to a minimum of 3). However, players can Go For It one more time than normal.
Solid Stone If the ball bounces into an unoccupied square, it will bounce one more time. In addition, add 1 to all Injury rolls.
D6 Rough & Ready Stadium
Apathetic Officials Each team gets a bonus Bribe in each half of the game.
Appalling Stands If a player moves into a Trapdoor square (voluntarily or otherwise), they are counted as having been pushed into the crowd. If the ball bounces into a Trapdoor square, it scatters D6 in a random direction.
Uncovered Trapdoors If a player moves into a Trapdoor square (voluntarily or otherwise), they are counted as having been pushed into the crowd. If the ball bounces into a Trapdoor square, it scatters D6 in a random direction.
Unclear Markings The kicking team can choose to move the line of scrimmage can be moved one square forward or back. This creates a temporary halfway line for setting up both teams this kick-off and is also used for the purposes of touchback. In addition, the limit of two players per wide zone during setup does not apply for either team
Desperate for Exposure Each team receives an additional D6 x 10’000 after the match (both teams receive the same amount).
Poorly Built Dungeons At the start of a drive, players that has been sent off return on a 5+.
D6 Luxury Stadium
Integrated Merchandise Stalls Each coach add an extra D3 x 10’000 to their total winnings.
Reputation for Spectacle Each coach receives an extra 2D6 x 10’000 for inducements (the same amount goes to both teams).
Broadcast Studio Star Players are 50’000 cheaper (minimum 10’000). Add 3 to the result of each coach’s dice roll when determining changes to Fan Factor.
On-site Apothecaries Each team receives +1 Apothecary (or a re-roll if the team is forbidden from using an Apothecary).
Enclosed Pitch Each team receives +1 Apothecary (or a re-roll if the team is forbidden from using an Apothecary).
Deluxe Seating At the start of each drive after the first, each coach rolls a D3 and adds their FAME. If the result is higher than the number of team re-rolls they currently have, they gain a bonus team re-roll.
D6 Local Crowd
Ale-fuelled Maniacs Before rolling on the Kick-off table, roll a D6. If the result is a 1 (for the first half) or 1-2 (for the second half), do not roll on the Kick-off table. Instead, roll another D6: 1= Get the ref, 2-3 = Time-Out, 4-5 = Officious Ref, 6 = Pitch Invasion
Boisterous Rabble Each coach gets +1 Fan factor (maximum 2). Add +1 to Injury rolls when a player is pushed into the crowd.
Know-it-all Hecklers . If a player is fouled off the pitch and the fouling player is not sent off as a result, roll a D6. On a 1-3, the player is sent off as though they had rolled a double on the Armour roll or Injury roll.
Bunch of Pacifists If a player is Stunned, Knocked Out or Injured by a result of the Kick-off table, roll a D6. On a 4+, the result is ignored. If a player is pushed into the crowd, on a 4+ they are placed straight into their Reserves box.
Fair Weather Fans At the start of each drive after the first, roll a D6. On 1-2, a large number of fans have left. Each player’s FAME is reduced by 1 - this can take it into negative figures (team’s winning at the end of the match cannot go below 0). In addition, if the ball leaves play, roll a D6 subtracting 1 for each time a large number of fans have left. On a 4+, the ball is thrown back as normal. Otherwise it is not thrown back in until the end of the next turn (from the square it left play).
Solemn and Silent A large number of fans have left. Cheerleaders are reduces to 0 for each team during this game. In addition, if a player is pushed outside the pitch, he is considered prone in an adjacent square.