

Tier 3


Qty Position M S AG P AR Skills Primary Secondary Cost
0-16 Goblin Lineman 6 2 3+ 4+ 8+
Right Stuff
A G S P 40K
0-2 Trained Troll 4 5 5+ 5+ 10+
Always Hungry
Loner (3+)
Mighty Blow (+1)
Projectile Vomit
Really Stupid
Throw Team-mate
S A G P 115K
0-1 Looney 6 2 3+ - 8+
Secret Weapon
A G S 40K
0-1 Bomma 6 2 3+ 4+ 8+
Secret Weapon
A P G S 45K
0-1 Doom Diver 6 2 3+ 6+ 8+
Right Stuff
A G S 60K
0-1 ‘Ooligan 6 2 3+ 6+ 8+
Dirty Player (+1)
Disturbing Presence
Right Stuff
A G S P 65K
0-1 Fanatic 3 7 3+ - 8+
Ball and Chain
No Hands
Secret Weapon
S A G 70K
0-1 Pogoer 7 2 3+ 5+ 8+
Pogo Stick
A G S P 75K

Special Rules

Badlands Brawl
Bribery and Corruption
Underworld Challenge




Assistant coach







Name Cost M S AG P AR Skills / Spécial
Bomber Dribblesnot 50K 6 2 3+ 3+ 8+
Loner (4+)
Right Stuff
Secret Weapon
Akhorne The Squirrel 80K 7 1 2+ - 6+
Jump up
Loner (4+)
No Hands
Side Step
Blind Rage
Fungus the Loon 80K 4 7 3+ - 8+
Ball and Chain
Loner (4+)
Mighty Blow (+1)
No Hands
Secret Weapon
Whirling Dervish
Nobbla Blackwart 120K 6 2 3+ - 8+
Loner (4+)
Secret Weapon
Kick'em while they're down
Scrappa Sorehead 130K 7 2 3+ 5+ 8+
Dirty Player (+1)
Loner (4+)
Pogo Stick
Right Stuff
Sure Feet
Zzharg Madeye 130K 4 4 4+ 3+ 10+
Hail Mary Pass
Loner (4+)
Nerves of Steel
Secret Weapon
Sure Hands
Thick Skull
Then I started Blastin'!
Rashnak Backstabber 130K 7 3 3+ 5+ 8+
Loner (4+)
Side Step
Sneaky Git
Toxin Connoisseur
Helmut Wulf 140K 6 3 3+ - 9+
Loner (4+)
Secret Weapon
Stand Firm
Old Pro
Skitter Stab-Stab 150K 9 2 2+ 4+ 8+
Loner (4+)
Prehensile Tail
Master Assassin
Kreek Rustgouger 170K 5 7 4+ - 10+
Ball and Chain
Loner (4+)
Mighty Blow (+1)
No Hands
Prehensile Tail
Secret Weapon
I'll be back !
Glart Smashrip 195K 5 4 4+ - 9+
Loner (4+)
Stand Firm
Frenzied Rush
Hakflem Skuttlespike 210K 9 3 2+ 3+ 8+
Extra Arms
Loner (4+)
Prehensile Tail
Two Heads
The Black Gobbo 225K 6 2 3+ 3+ 9+
Disturbing Presence
Loner (3+)
Side Step
Sneaky Git
Sneakiest Out of The Lot
Grak and Crumbleberry 250K
      Grak 5 5 4+ 4+ 10+
Bone Head
Kick Team-mate
Loner (4+)
Mighty Blow (+1)
Thick Skull
Two for One
      Crumbleberry 5 2 3+ 6+ 7+
Loner (4+)
Right Stuff
Sure Hands
Two for One
Ripper Blogrot 250K 4 6 5+ 4+ 10+
Loner (4+)
Mighty Blow (+1)
Throw Team-mate
Thinking Man's Troll
Varag Ghoul-Chewer 280K 6 5 3+ 5+ 10+
Jump up
Loner (4+)
Mighty Blow (+1)
Thick Skull
Crushing Blow
Hthark The Unstoppable 300K 6 6 4+ 6+ 10+
Break Tackle
Loner (4+)
Sure Feet
Thick Skull
Unstoppable Momentum
Morg'n Thorg 380K 6 6 3+ 4+ 11+
Loner (4+)
Mighty Blow (+2)
Thick Skull
Throw Team-mate
The Ballista


Temp Agency Cheerleaders


Up to 4 cheerleaders can be hired temporarily and added to the team's cheerleaders, for the game only (can exceed the max of 12).

Part-time Assistant Coaches


Up to 3 interim coaches can reinforce the assistants, for the match only (can exceed the max of 6).

Weather mage


Once per match, allows you to make a weather roll with a modifier of + or - 1 or 2, as you wish, at the beginning of one of your team's turns to apply the result until the end of the next opponent's turn (or end of phase if it occurs before).

Minus superstar (Specialized Mercenary)












Loner (4+)
Right Stuff

  • 1 agility skill : +10K
  • 2 agility skills or more : +20K each
  • One only general skill (but Dirty Player) : +40K
  • One only pass skill : +20K
  • One only mutation : +30K
  • +1MV : +30K
  • +1AG : +40K
  • +1P : +30K
  • +1AV : +30K
  • -1 to any characteristic : -10K (mercenary cost 30K at least)

Can replace Stunty by one of these options:
  • Dirty Player (+1) + Sneaky Git + Loner (5+) : +50K for Badland Brawl, Favorites of..., Halfling Thimble Cup, Lustrian Superleague, Old World Classic, and Underworld Challenge.
  • Dirty Player (+2) + Sneaky Git + Loner (5+) : +80K for Badland Brawl and Halfling Thimble Cup.
  • Bomber + Secret Weapon : +40K for Badland Brawl, Halfling Thimble Cup, Old World Classic, Underworld Challenge and World's Edge Super League.
  • Stab + Secret Weapon : +20K for BadLand Brawl, Halfling Thimble Cup, Lustria Superleague, Old World Classic, Underworld Challenge and World's Edge Superleague.
  • Pogo Stick: +50K for Badland Brawl, Halfling Thimble Cup, Lustria Super League, Sylvania Spotlight and Underworld Challenge.
  • Chain and Ball + Secret Weapon + No Hands + 3F -2M - Dodge : +60K for Badland Brawl, Favorites of..., Haldfling Thimble Cup and Underworld Challenge.
  • Chainsaw + Secret Weapon + No Hands - Dodge : +40K for BadLand Brawl, Elven Kingdoms League, Halfling Thimble Cup, Lustria Superleague, Old World Classic, Sylvania Spotlight, World's Edge Superleague and Underworld Challenge.

Team Mascot


A team that includes a Team Mascot gains an extra team re-roll (a suitable model should be placed on your team reroll tracker). However, to use the Team Mascot re-roll you must first roll a D6: On a roll of 1-4, the Team Mascot proves ineffective and, pelted by food wrappers and worse, retreats to the locker room. The Team Mascot re-roll is lost for this half of the game. However, you may use a normal team re-roll instead. On a roll of 5+, the Team Mascot re-roll can be used, just like a normal team re-roll.

No limit mercenary












You may Induce Mercenary players to your team for a single game, chosen from your Team Roster, at 30,000 gold pieces more than the player would normally cost. The normal limits on the total number of players allowed on a team and in each position apply to Mercenaries. However, players that are missing the game due to injury do not count towards the number of players on the team, so they are not counted when working out how many Mercenaries a team can have. All Mercenaries have the Loner (4+) trait. In addition, a Mercenary may be given one additional Primary skill selected from those available to a player of that position, at an additional cost of 50,000 gold pieces. Mercenaries do not earn Star Player points and cannot be awarded the MVP for the game. Unlike Journeymen, Mercenaries cannot be permanently hired during the post-game sequence.

Bottles of heady brew


At the start of a drive, after both teams have been set up but before the kick-off (between Step 1 and Step 2), randomly select D3 players with the Stunty trait that are currently set up on the pitch. For the remainder of this drive, those players gain the Dauntless and Frenzy skills and the Really Stupid (4+) trait.

Bloodweiser Kegs


Up to 2 kegs can be bought to provide +1 per keg to KO recovery rolls.



Buy up to three bribes. When one of your players is ejected, you may use a bribe to try to cancel the kickout. Roll a D6. If the result is greater than 1, the player stays on the field (there is no turnover). On a 1, the bribe is spent but has no effect. A bribe cannot be used immediately after a referee challenge that led to the coach being sent off.

Legendary Lineman (Specialized Mercenary)












Loner (4+)

  • 1 general skill (but Dirty Player): +20K
  • 2 or more General skills: +30K each
  • One single agility skill: +30K
  • One single pass skill (but leader): +20K
  • One single strength skill: +30K
  • One single mutation: +30K
  • Two or more mutations: +40K each (only for favorites of...)
  • +1MA: +20K
  • +1PA: +30K
  • +1AV: +20K
  • -1 to any characteristic: -10K (mercenary cost 50K at least)

One of these options:
  • Dirty Player (+1) + Sneaky Git + Loner (5+): +60K.
  • Dirty Player (+2) + Sneaky Git + Loner (5+): +90K for Badland Brawl, Favorites of..., Old World Classic, Sylvania Spotlight, Underworld Challenge, and World's Edge Superleague.
  • Bomber + Secret Weapon: +40K for Badland Brawl, Old World Classic, Sylvania Spotlight, Underworld Challenge and World's Edge Super League.
  • Stab + Secret Weapon: +20K for BadLand Brawl, Elven Kingdoms League, Lustria Superleague, Old World Classic, Sylvania Spotlight, Underworld Challenge and World's Edge Superleague.
  • Chainsaw + Secret Weapon + No Hands: +60K for any team.

Waaagh! Drummer


At the start of each drive, after the Kick-off event has been resolved but before the ball itself lands, roll 3D6. For each roll of a 4+, one player on the opposing team can be pushed back one square towards their own End Zone, exactly as if a Push Back block dice result had been applied against them. The same player can be pushed back more than once by this Inducement.

Medicinal Unguent


Should a player on your team be removed from play having suffered a 10-12, Serious Injury result on the Casualty table, after any other attempts to heal that player have been made and have failed, you may use this Inducement. The player is immediately removed from the Casualty box and placed in the Reserves box of your dugout, having been miraculously healed by the liberal application of something that smells extremely suspicious. However, at the end of this game, the result of the Casualty roll is applied as normal.

Brutal Blocker (Specialized Mercenary)












Loner (4+)

  • 1 single strength skill: +30K
  • 2 or more strength skills: +40K each
  • One single agility skill: +40K
  • One single general skill (but dirty player): +30K
  • One single pass skill (but leader): +20K
  • One single mutation: +40K
  • +1MA: +30K
  • +2MA: +50K for Favorites of... and Lustria Super League
  • +1AG: +50K
  • +1AV: +20K
  • -1 to any characteristic: -10K (mercenary cost 70K at least)

One of these options:
  • Dirty Player (+1) + Sneaky Git + Loner (5+): +70K for Badland Brawl, Favorites of..., Super-League of Lustria and Old World Classic.
  • Dirty Player (+2) + Sneaky Git + Loner (5+): +100K for Badland Brawl and Favorites of...
  • Mighty Blow(+2) + Loner(5+): +60K for Badland Brawl, Favorites of..., Super-league of Lustria, Old World Classic, Sylvania Spotlight and World's Edge Superleague.
  • Stab + Secret Weapon: +20K for BadLand Brawl, Lustria Superleague, Old World Classic, Sylvania Spotlight, Underworld Challenge, and World's Edge Superleague.
  • Chain and Ball + Secret Weapon + No Hands + 2ST -1MA: +90K for Badland Brawl, Favorites of..., Spot of Sylvania, Underworld Challenge and World's Edge Super League.
  • Chainsaw + Secret Weapon + No Hands: +60K for Favorites of...

Safe Provider (Specialized Mercenary)












Loner (4+)

  • 1 single agility skill: +30K
  • 2 or more agility skills: +40K each
  • One single general skill: +30K
  • One single pass skill (but leader): +20K
  • One single strength skill (but Mighty Blow and Guard): +50K
  • +1MA: +30K
  • +2MA: +60K for Elven Kingdom League
  • +1AG: +50K
  • +2AG: +100K for Elven Kingdom League
  • +1CP: +30K
  • +2CP: +60K for Elven Kingdom League
  • +1AV: +40K
  • -1 to any characteristic: -10K (mercenary cost 70K at least)

One of these options:
  • Big Hand: +30K for Favorites of...
  • Extra Arms: +20K for Favorites of...
  • Two Heads: +30K for Favorites of...
  • Very long legs: +30K for Favorites of...
One of these options:
  • Hypnotic gaze + Loner(5+): +60K for Elven Kingdom League, Favorites of..., Halfling Thimble Cup, Sylvania Spotlight and Underworld Challenge.
  • Extra Arms: +20K for Elven Kingdom League, Halfling Thimble Cup, Sylvania Spotlight and Underworld Challenge

Krot Shockwisker


A NEW PLAYTHI… ER, PATIENT! Once per game, during Step 2 of the End of Drive sequence, Krot can experiment on a player who has been removed from play as a Casualty, in an attempt to get them back out there. Choose a player that is in the Casualty box of Krot’s team dugout (not a Mercenary or a Star Player). This may even be a player that has suffered a Casualty table result of 15-16, DEAD. Roll a D6 on the table opposite and apply the result to the chosen player: 1 There Were… Complications: The player’s condition has worsened. The coach of the opposing team rolls on the Casualty table to determine exactly what has happened to the player. The result of this roll is applied immediately, in addition to any other Casualty table results already applied. Note that multiple Miss Next Game results do not stack. 2-3 Useless Flesh-thing! Krot’s tinkering has no effect and the player remains in the Casualty box. 4-5 Flawed Execution: The player is returned to the Reserves box and can be set up with the rest of the team. However, until the end of the next drive, they gain the Really Stupid (4+) trait. If they already have the Really Stupid (4+) trait, it is replaced with the Really Stupid (5+) trait. At the end of this drive, the player is returned to the Casualty box, where the effects of the Casualty roll that was previously made against them are applied as normal. 6 Witness Perfection! The player is returned to the Reserves box and can be set up with the rest of the team. At the end of this drive, the player is returned to the Casualty box, where the effects of the Casualty roll that was previously made against them are applied as normal.

Biased Referee


CLOSE SCRUTINY If any player on the opposing team commits a Foul without rolling a double when making either the Armour roll or Injury roll, roll a D6: On a roll of 5+, the Biased Referee spots the Foul and the player is Sent-off, exactly as if they had rolled a double (i.e., the opposing coach may use a Bribe if one is available and may attempt to Argue the Call). On a roll of 1-4, the player manages to avoid the ref’s attention. I DIDN’T SEE A THING! When rolling on the Argue the Call table, you may apply a +1 modifier to the dice roll.

Mungo Spinecracker


I’M FINE THANKS, MUNGO! Whenever a player on your team suffers an Injury result of 8-9, KO’d (or of 7-8, KO’d on the Stunty Injury table), you may roll a D6 before removing them from play: On a roll of 1, the player’s protestations fall upon deaf ears and Mungo ‘treats’ his patient. The player becomes a casualty and is immediately removed from play and placed in the Casualty box of their team dugout. No Casualty roll is made. Instead, a Badly Hurt result is automatically applied against them. On a roll of 2-4, the player is badly pummelled but suffers neither lasting harm nor noticeable benefit. The player is removed from play and placed in the Knocked-out box of your team dugout as normal. On a roll of 5 or 6, the player regains their senses remarkably quickly and is able to fend off the ministrations of the Orc. The player remains on the pitch and becomes Stunned.

Jorm the Ogre (Biased Referee)


JORM DOESN’T LIKE CHEATERS! Jorm is always on the lookout for dirty play, and misses very little. If any player on the opposing team commits a Foul but a double is not rolled when making either the Armour roll or Injury roll, roll a D6: On a roll of 4+, Jorm has spotted the cheat and rolls up his sleeves to deliver his own form of justice. On a roll of 1-3, the player manages to avoid the ref’s attention. Once spotted by Jorm in this way (and only in this way), the player that committed the Foul is immediately Knocked Down. When a player is Knocked Down by Jorm, you may apply a +1 modifier to either the Armour roll or Injury roll. This modifier may be applied after the roll has been made. "SHUT IT, YOU HOOLIGANS!" If a Get the Ref result is rolled on the Kick-off Event table, the normal effects are ignored – instead, Jorm goes into a rampage and starts tearing through the stands to teach the rowdy fans a lesson! Both teams reduce their Fan Factor for this game by -1 each time a Get the Ref result is rolled on the Kick-off Event table.

The trundlefoot triplets (Biased Referee)


HEAVY-HANDED INCOMPETENCE The Trundlefoot Triplets often try their best to partake in a bit of honest corruption, but all too often they fail. If any player on the opposing team commits a Foul but a double is not rolled when making either the Armour roll or Injury roll, roll a D6: On a roll of 5+, the player that committed the Foul is Sent-off, exactly as if they had rolled a double (i.e., the opposing coach may use a Bribe if one is available and may attempt to Argue the Call). On a roll of 2-4, the triplets, squabbling amongst themselves, miss the Foul. On a roll of 1, however, the victim of the Foul is Sent-off as if they had committed a Foul and rolled a double! "SMART PLAYERS ARE WELL-BEHAVED PLAYERS!" At the start of each drive, after both teams are set-up but before the kick-off, roll a D6. On a roll of 6, one randomly selected player on the opposing team that is not being Marked becomes embroiled in a pointless argument with the triplets about their kit. The player is immediately Placed Prone and becomes Stunned, representing the time wasted arguing. "THEY DON’T LOOK HAPPY!" If a Get the Ref result is rolled on the Kick-off Event table, the triplets make themselves scarce and will play no further part in this game. In addition, each team also gets a Bribe as normal.

Papa Skullbones


BY THE POWER OF THE GODS! At the start of each drive, after the teams have been set up but before the kick-off, Papa Skullbones can attempt to bless one player on his team (not a Mercenary or Star Player) with the power of the Chaos gods. Choose a player on your team from among those on the pitch, and roll a D8 on the table below. Any Skills gained are kept until the end of the drive; if the player already has both Skills, “By the Power of the Gods!” has no effect on them. A player cannot be chosen if a roll has already been made for them during this game. D8 RESULTS TABLE: 1 : Unworthy: The player is struck down. The player is immediately removed from play and placed in the Knocked-out box of their team dugout. 2 : Overlooked: The chosen player is overlooked by the fickle gods. Randomly select another player from the same team, excluding players not on the pitch and players for whom a roll on this table has already been made, and roll on this table again. 3 : Freakish Proportions: The player gains the Big Hand and Very Long Legs skills. 4 : Grasping Tendrils: The player gains the Tentacles and Prehensile Tail skills. 5 : Horrific Visage: The player gains the Disturbing Presence and Foul Appearance skills. 6 : Grisly Bifurcation: The player gains the Extra Arms and Two Heads skills. 7 : Thorny Protrusions: The player gains the Claws and Horns skills. 8 : Favour of the Gods: The player gains two Skills of your choice, chosen from the Mutations category.

Fink da Fixer


YOU GOT IT, BOSS! Once per game, when your team uses a Bribe, you may re-roll the D6 to see if the Bribe is effective. In addition, when rolling on the Argue the Call table, a coach who has hired Fink treats a roll of 5 or 6 as a “Well, When You Put It Like That…” result and a roll of 2-4 as an “I Don’t Care!” result. However, on a “You’re Outta Here!” result, Fink is Sent-off along with the coach and will play no further part in the game.

Schielund Scharlitan


I’LL MAKE YOU A STAR! During the pre-game sequence, after Step 4 but before Step 5, randomly select D3 players on your team that are eligible to play during this game. These players have been approached by Scharlitan, and his interest is having a noticeable effect on their attitude! Until the end of this game, each selected player gains the Pro skill. However, at the start of Step 3 of the post-game sequence, roll a D6 for each of these players (unless they suffered, and did not recover from, a Casualty table result of 15-16, DEAD during the game): On a roll of 1, that player has begun to act like they are the next big thing. The agent tires of his client and drops them, but the exposure has gone to their head. The player gains the Loner (2+) trait. On a roll of 2-5, the agent simply drops the player from his books. They might be disappointed, but they’ll get over it. On a roll of 6, the agent tires of his client and drops them, but the exposure has been good for them. The player permanently retains the Pro skill without having to spend any SPP (note that you must adjust their Current Value accordingly, as if the player had chosen a Primary skill).

Special Plays


Each Special Plays Inducement purchased gives you one Special Plays card to use during the game ahead. Cards are drawn from one or more of the Special Plays card decks during the Inducements step of the pregame sequence: Each Special Plays Inducement purchased allows you to draw cards from a single deck. The deck from which cards are drawn is determined by rolling a D6 and consulting the table below. For each separate Special Plays Inducement purchased, roll again on the table below. There is no limit to how many cards may be drawn from each deck, but if the second roll or any subsequent rolls give a duplicated result, you may re-roll the D6. If the D6 is re-rolled, you must accept the result of the re-roll. Special Plays Cards Roll a D6, and check the following table: Random Events Dirty Tricks Magic Memorabilia Heroic Feats Benefits of Training Miscellaneous Mayhem CARD SELECTION: Once the D6 has been rolled, the appropriate Special Plays card deck is shuffled and two cards are drawn from the top. You may then read both cards before choosing one to keep and one to discard.

Extra training


offers a Team Reroll that can be used in each half of the game.

Wandering Apothecary


If your team allows the use of an apothecary, you can hire up to two wandering apothecaries. Each wandering apothecary behaves like a regular apothecary, for the duration of the match only.

Josef Bugman












Loner (4+)
Thick Skull

Allows 1s to be rolled again to recover from a knockout.
If at the beginning of a Phase, the team cannot field 11 players, Josef Bugman enters the game during the whole Phase before being kicked out.

Ayleen Andar


THIS KID HAS REAL POTENTIAL! If your team took on any Journeymen during Step 3 of the pre-game sequence, Ayleen will ensure that they are the best, and all are eager to impress! Roll a D6 for each, applying a -1 modifier to the roll for each Journeyman taken on after the first: On a roll of 1 or less, the Journeyman is a team player, but doesn’t show any particular talent. The Journeyman loses the Loner (4+) trait. On a roll of 2-5, the Journeyman has some potential. The Journeyman gains a single randomly selected Skill from one of their Primary skill categories. On a roll of 6, Ayleen has produced a player with real star quality! The Journeyman gains two randomly selected Skills from one of their Primary skill categories. Each Journeyman counts towards CTV as normal. Their value does not increase for any Skills they may have. Journeymen provided by Ayleen may be permanently hired during Step 4 of the post-game sequence as normal, but doing so will cost an additional 10,000 gold pieces per Skill.

Guaranteed Big Guy (Specialized Mercenary)












Bone Head
Loner (4+)
Mighty Blow (+1)
Throw Team-mate

  • 1 single strength skill: +30K
  • 2 or more strength skills: +40K each
  • One single general skill: +40K
  • One single pass skill (but leader): +30K
  • One single mutation: +40K
  • +1MA: +20K
  • +2MA: +50K for Favorites of..., Lustria Super League, Sylvania Spotlight and Underworld Challenge.
  • +1AG: +40K
  • +1PA: +30K
  • +2PA: +60K for Badland Brawl, Halfling Thimble Cup, Old World Classic and Underworld Challenge.
  • +1AV: +20K
  • -1 to any characteristic: -10K (mercenary cost 130K at least)

Can replace Bone Head for only 1 of these options:
  • Always Hungry + Projectile Vomit + Really Stupid + Regeneration -1AG: -10K for any team.
  • Frenzy + Unchanneled Fury + Horns - Throw Teammate: +20K for BadLands Brawl, Favorites of..., Thimble Cup, Old World Classic, Underworld Challenge, and World's Edge Superleague.
  • Mighty Blow (+2) + Loner(5+): +50K for any team.
  • Ball and Chain + Secret Weapon + No Hands + Really Stupid +2ST -1MA: +80K for Badlands Brawl, Favorites of..., Lustria Super League, Old World Classic, and Underworld Challenge.

Hireling Sports-Wizard (Wizard)


Once per game, a Hireling Sports-Wizard may cast one of the following spells: FIREBALL You may cast this spell at the end of either player's team turn, before the next team turn begins. Choose a target square anywhere on the pitch and roll a D6 for each Standing player (from either team) that occupies either the target square or a square adjacent to it: On a roll of 4+, the player has been hit by the Fireball. On a roll of 1-3, the player manages to avoid the Fireball. Any Standing players hit by the Fireball are Knocked Down. When a player is Knocked Down by a Fireball, you may apply a +1 modifier to either the Armour roll or Injury roll. This modifier may be applied after the roll has been made. ZAP! You may cast this spell either at the start of any of the opposition’s team turns, before any player is activated, or immediately after any of the opposition’s team turns has ended. Target any opposition player and roll a D6: If the roll is equal to or higher than the player’s Strength characteristic, or is a natural 6, that player turns into a frog for the remainder of the drive, after which their coach will secure emergency magical assistance to turn the player back into their original form. If the roll is lower than the player’s Strength characteristic, the player develops a fresh crop of warts, but the spell has no further effect. If the player was in possession of the ball when they were turned into a frog, it is dropped and will bounce. When a roll on the Casualty table is required against the frog, no roll is made. Instead, it is automatically treated as if a Badly Hurt result had been rolled. The frog must miss the rest of the game and cannot be patched-up by an apothecary (because it's a frog!). At the end of the game, the player is returned to normal shape with no ill effects. The frog has the following profile: 5 1 2+ - 5+ Dodge, Leap, No Hands, Stunty, Titchy, Very Long Legs

Horatio X. Schottenheim


Horatio conjures up a fireball spell and flings it with his legendarily poor aim in the general direction of the action on the pitch. Horatio may cast this spell immediately after any of the opposition’s team turns has ended. Choose a target square anywhere on the pitch. The target square is moved D3 squares in a direction determined by rolling a D8 and referring to the Random Direction template. After moving the target square, roll a D6 for each Standing player (from either team) that is either in the target square or a square adjacent to it: On a roll of 4+, the player has been hit by the Fireball. On a roll of 1-3, the player manages to avoid the Fireball. Any Standing players hit by the Fireball are Knocked Down. When a player is Knocked Down by a Fireball, you may apply a +1 modifier to either the Armour roll or Injury roll. This modifier may be applied after the roll has been made.

Ogre Firebelly (Wizard)


COLUMN OF FIRE You may cast this spell either at the start of any of the opposition’s team turns, before any player is activated, or immediately after any of the opposition’s team turns has ended. Choose any square that is adjacent to one of the Sidelines to be the Column of Fire’s starting point. The Column of Fire follows a path from one Sideline to the other, moving in a straight line from its starting point directly towards the opposite Sideline. Roll a D6 for every Standing player (from either team) that occupies a square in the Column of Fire’s path: On a roll of 4+, the player has been hit by the Column of Fire. On a roll of 1-3, the player is able to duck and avoid the Column of Fire. Any Standing players hit by the Column of Fire are Knocked Down. When a player is Knocked Down by the Column of Fire, you may apply a +1 modifier to either the Armour roll or Injury roll. This modifier may be applied after the roll has been made.

Night Golbin Shaman (Wizard)


FOOT OF GORK (OR MORK) You may cast this spell at the start of any of the opposition’s team turns, before any player is activated. Target any Standing opposition player anywhere on the pitch, and roll a D6: On a roll of 6, the player has been kicked by the Foot of Gork (or Mork)! On a roll of 3-5, the player has been stomped on by the Foot of Gork (or Mork). On a roll of 1 or 2, the player is lucky and the Foot of Gork (or Mork) swings harmlessly over their head. A Standing player kicked by the Foot of Gork (or Mork) is immediately catapulted through the air. Immediately treat that player as being thrown (as if they had the Right Stuff trait, and as if their Strength is 3 or less should their Strength be 4 or more) by another player (with the Throw Team-mate trait and a Strength of 5 or more), and treat the quality of the throw as terrible. A Standing player stomped on by the Foot of Gork (or Mork) is Knocked Down. When a player is Knocked Down by the Foot of Gork (or Mork), you may apply a +1 modifier to either the Armour roll or Injury roll. This modifier may be applied after the roll has been made. SPORE CLOUD You may cast this spell at the start of any of the opposition’s team turns, before any player is activated. Target any Standing opposition player anywhere on the pitch, and roll a D6: On a roll of 2+, the player is engulfed by a cloud of Madcap Mushroom spores. Until the end of this drive, the player gains both the Loner (5+) and Really Stupid traits. On a roll of 1, the player begins to sprout strange fungus from their armour, before the spell dissipates harmlessly.

Wicked Witch (Wizard)


Once per game, a Wizard may cast one of the following spells: ZAP! You may cast this spell either at the start of any of the opposition’s team turns, before any player is activated, or immediately after any of the opposition’s team turns has ended. Target any opposition player and roll a D6: If the roll is equal to or higher than the player’s Strength characteristic, or is a natural 6, that player turns into a frog for the remainder of the drive, after which their coach will secure emergency magical assistance to turn the player back into their original form. If the roll is lower than the player’s Strength characteristic, the player develops a fresh crop of warts, but the spell has no further effect. If the player was in possession of the ball when they were turned into a frog, it is dropped and will bounce. When a roll on the Casualty table is required against the frog, no roll is made. Instead, it is automatically treated as if a Badly Hurt result had been rolled. The frog must miss the rest of the game and cannot be patched-up by an apothecary (because it's a frog!). At the end of the game, the player is returned to normal shape with no ill effects. The frog has the following profile: MA5 ST1 AG2+ PA- AV5+ Skills : Dodge, Leap, No Hands, Stunty, Titchy, Very Long Legs PLAGUE OF WARTS You may cast this spell at the start of any of the opposition’s team turns, before any player is activated. Target any opposition player anywhere on the pitch, and roll a D6: On a roll of 3+, the player is hit and their skin unexpectedly erupts into a mass of warts. On a roll of 1 or 2, the player develops a few unsightly blemishes, but is otherwise unaffected. Until the end of this drive, the MA, ST, and AG characteristics of a player hit by Plague of Warts are reduced by 1. Additionally, until the end of this drive, a player hit by Plague of Warts gains the Disturbing Presence and Foul Appearance skills.

Warlock Engineer (Wizard)


Once per game, a Wizard may cast one of the following spells: WARP LIGHTNING You may cast this spell either at the start of any of the opposition’s team turns, before any player is activated, or immediately after any of the opposition’s team turns has ended. Choose any square that is adjacent to one of the Sidelines to be the Warp Lightning’s starting point. The Warp Lightning follows a path from one Sideline to the other, moving in a straight line from its starting point directly towards the opposite Sideline. Roll a D6 for every Standing player (from either team) that occupies a square in the Warp Lightning’s path: On a roll of 3+, the player has been hit by the Warp Lightning. On a roll of 1 or 2, the player is lucky and the bolt zips overhead. Any Standing players hit by the Warp Lightning are Knocked Down. When a player is Knocked Down by Warp Lightning, you may apply a +1 modifier to either the Armour roll or Injury roll. This modifier may be applied after the roll has been made. Finally, when a player is Knocked Down by Warp Lightning, roll a D6. On a roll of 1, the Warp Lightning is earthed through the player. Do not roll to see if any more players are hit. On a roll of 2+, the Warp Lightning continues along its path, as described above. THUNDERBOLT You may cast this spell either at the start of any of the opposition’s team turns, before any player is activated, or immediately after any of the opposition’s team turns has ended. Target any Standing opposition player anywhere on the pitch, and roll a D6: On a roll of 3+, the player has been hit by the Thunderbolt. On a roll of 1 or 2, the player manages to duck or dodge the attack. A Standing player hit by a Thunderbolt is Knocked Down. When a player is Knocked Down by a Thunderbolt, you may apply a +1 modifier to either the Armour roll or Injury roll. This modifier may be applied after the roll has been made.

Horticulturalist of Nurgle (Wizard)


Once per game, a Wizard may cast one of the following spells: VIGOROUS GROWTH You may cast this spell at the start of any of the opposition’s team turns, before any player is activated. For the duration of this team turn, there is a -2 modifier applied to the dice roll every time an opposition player attempts to Rush. Note that this modifier applies alongside any other modifiers that apply to attempts to Rush. STRANGE FLORA On a roll of 3+, the player is unexpectedly attacked by daemonic plants of prodigious size that erupt from the loamy earth before rapidly rotting away to nothing. On a roll of 1 or 2, the player manages to duck and avoid the attacking flora. Any Standing players hit by Strange Flora are Knocked Down. When a player is Knocked Down by Strange Flora, you may apply a +1 modifier to either the Armour roll or Injury roll. This modifier may be applied after the roll has been made.

Halfling Master Chef


At the Kick-Off of each half (before the roll on the Table), roll 3D6: for each result of 4 or more, offers 1 re-roll and removes one re-roll from the opponent for the rest of the half.

Mercenary Giant












Always Hungry
Bone Head
Break Tackle
Loner (4+)
Mighty Blow (+2)
Multiple Block
Stand Firm
Throw Team-mate

Enslaved Giants are big... Much bigger than Ogres, Minotaurs, Trolls, or any of the other Big Arms you might regularly encounter at a Blood Bowl stadium.

  • Always occupies 4 squares (Standing, Grounded or Stunned), if 1 of these squares is in the tackle area of 1 opponent, it is "Marked";
  • Imprints no tackle zone on the 4 squares behind his back (the coach must turn him in the direction he wishes during his movement, at the end of his movement and after following a "Pushed") but remains a victim of the effects applying to these 4 squares;
  • Cannot move onto a square where a player is standing, but can move onto a square where a player is "Down" (but not stay there) without having to "Step over". If he falls onto 1 square occupied by 1 "Down" player, the latter suffers 1 "Push Back";
  • If part of his base is off the pitch, he is drawn into the crowd;
  • He can reroll Fubmle during a Teammate's Throw;
  • It reduces malus by 2 for "Interfering with the Pass";
  • 1D12 is used instead of D8 for bounce.
Pushed back giant
Giant in movement
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